Batch funding schema in the NZ ORCID Hub for ORCID Message Schema v2.0/v2.1

Batch funding files to be passed through the Hub must be presented in either of the json or YAML formats, with the files following the convention for complex Hub objects, i.e.:

  • a list of items
    • with each item comprised of:
      • a list of invitees (i.e., the individuals whose ORCID records are to be affected); and,
      • the ORCID Message data that is to be asserted to each invitee’s ORCID record

Examples can be found here: **fundings.json** and **fundings.yaml**

The Hub will consume any json or YAML file complying to the following schema. NB additional validation will be performed when the data is sent to ORCID, and any errors in the message will be reported in the item’s status field in the Hub’s UI or task report.



Type Description Notes
**list[funding]** Container for the funding item(s) to be written [required]


Minimum one - maximum unbounded


Name Type Description Notes
invitees **list[invitee]** Container for individuals to be affected [required]
created-date **CreatedDate** Container for work item’s creation date [optional, ignored]
last-modified-date **LastModifiedDate** Container for work item’s last modification date [optional, ignored]
source **Source** Container for when/how the item was asserted [optional, ignored]
organization **Organization** Container for elements describing the organization which awarded the funding [required]
title **FundingTitle** Container for the title(s) of the award/project [required]
short-description str An element for a few sentences describing the award/project, e.g., an abstract. [optional]
amount **Amount** Container for the value and currentcy of the award/project [optional]
type str The type of funding “AWARD”, “CONTRACT”, “GRANT” or “SALARY-AWARD” [required]
organization_defined_type **FundingSubType** Container for the organisation’s category of funding [optional]
start-date **StartDate** The date the funding began, given to any level of specificity [optional]
end-date **EndDate** The date the funding ended or will end, given to any level of specificity [optional]
external-ids **list[external-id]** A non-repeatable container for identifiers of the funding [optional]
url **Url** A link to the funding or funding output (appears in the user interface under “Alternate URL”) [optional]
contributors **FundingContributors** Container for information about the recipients of the funding [optional]

**back to Fundings**


Minimum one - maximum unbounded


Name Type Description Notes
identifier str Internal identifier from your system for the funding-person relationship [optional]
first-name str First name to assist ORCID iD registration [required]
last-name str Last name to assist ORCID iD registration [required]
email str The email address any permissions request will be sent to [required unless Hub-known ORCID-iD present]
ORCID-iD str ORCID path (16-character identifier) of the ORCID iD [optional unless no email]
put-code int If present the Hub will attempt to update an existing item [optional]
visibility str The privacy level chosen by record holder for this item “PUBLIC”, “LIMITED” or “PRIVATE” [optional, ignored]

**back to Funding**

CreatedDate and LastModifiedDate

NB: Captured automatically by the ORCID Registry


Name Type Description Notes
value datetime Milliseconds of the event that have elapsed since midnight 1970-01-01 [optional]

**back to Funding**


NB: Captured automatically by the ORCID Registry


Name Type Description Notes
source-orcid **SourceOrcid** For legacy client applications, the ORCID iD that created the item [optional]
source-client-id **SourceClientId** The client id of the application that created the item [optional]
source-name **SourceName** Container for the human-readable name of the client application [optional]

**back to Funding**

SourceOrcid and SourceClientId


Name Type Description Notes
uri str Source iD in URI form, i.e., URL + path [optional]
path str Application’s 16-character client id or legacy ORCID iD [optional]
host str URL for the environment of the Source iD, i.e., or [optional]

**back to Source**



Name Type Description Notes
value str The human-readable name of the client application [optional]

**back to Source**



Name Type Description Notes
name str The human-readable name of the funding organisation [optional]
address **Address** Container for organization location information [optional]
disambiguated-organization **DisambiguatedOrganization** A reference to a disambiguated version the funding organisation [optional]

**back to Funding**



Name Type Description Notes
city str The city center of the funding organization [required]
region str Region within the country [optional]
country str The country code of the national center of the funding organization ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 [required]

**back to Organization**



Name Type Description Notes
disambiguated-organization-identifier str The disambiguated organization identifier [required]
disambiguation-source str The source providing the disambiguated organization ID “ISNI”, “RINGGOLD”, “FUNDREF” or “GRID” [required]

**back to Organization**



Name Type Description Notes
title **Title** Container for the main name or title of the award/project [required]
translated-title **TranslatedTitle** Container for any translations of the award’s/project’s title [optional]

**back to Funding**

Title and Subtitle


Name Type Description Notes
value str The main name/title or subtitle of the work [optional]

**back to FundingTitle**



Name Type Description Notes
value str The main title of the work or funding translated into another language [optional]
language-code str Two-Four letter language code to identify the language of the translation [required]

**back to FundingTitle**



Name Type Description Notes
value str A numerical value for the amount of funding for the award/project [optional]
currency-code str Three letter currency code to identify the currency the amount is denominated in [required]



Name Type Description Notes
value str The organization’s type for an external identifier [optional]

**back to Funding**

StartDate and EndDate


Name Type Description Notes
year **Year** Container for year value [required]
month **Month** Container for month value [optional]
day **Day** Container for day value [optional]

**back to Funding**

Year, Month and Day


Name Type Description Notes
value str Date values; Year in YYYY, Month in MM, Day in DD [optional]

**back to StartDate and EndDate**



Name Type Description Notes
external-id **list[ExternalID]** Container for external identifiers to the award/project [optional]

**back to Funding**



Name Type Description Notes
external-id-type str The type of the given external identifier see here for supported identifier types [required]
external-id-value str A reference to an external identifier to the award/project [required]
external-id-url **Url** A container for the url value [optional]
external-id-relationship str The relationship of this identifier to the award/project “SELF” or “PART-OF” [optional]

**back to Funding**



Name Type Description Notes
value str An external url for the award/project or as specified by an external identifier [optional]

**back to Funding**



Name Type Description Notes
contributor **list[Contributor]** A container for the award’s/project’s contributors [optional]

**back to Funding**


Minimum none - maximum unbounded


Name Type Description Notes
contributor-orcid **ContributorOrcid** A container for the contributor’s ORCID iD [optional]
credit-name **CreditName** A container for the contributor’s name [optional]
contributor-email **ContributorEmail** A container for the contributor’s email [deprecated]
contributor-attributes **ContributorAttributes** A container for the contributor’s role and order [optional]

**back to FundingContributors**



Name Type Description Notes
uri str ORCID iD in URI form, i.e., URL + path [preferred, at least one of uri or path must be given]
path str 16-character ORCID iD [optional]
host str URL for the environment of the ORCID iD, i.e., or [optional]

**back to Contributor**



Name Type Description Notes
value str The name to use for the researcher or contributor when credited or cited [optional]

**back to Contributor**



Name Type Description Notes
value str Email of the collaborator or other contributor [Always private; deprecated do not use]

**back to Contributor**



Name Type Description Notes
contributor-role str The role performed by this contributor “LEAD”, “CO-LEAD”, “SUPPORTED-BY” or “OTHER-CONTRIBUTION” [optional]

**back to Contributor**

See the ORCID V2.1 message schema for funding for further explanation of what funding attributes and values ORCID accepts, and what they’re intended to convey